Diane Ambrosini

Diane possesses a Masters Degree in Exercise Science, with an emphasis on Kiesiology. She authored “Instructing Hatha Yoga: A Guide for Teachers and Students”, a highly acclaimed yoga teaching guide.

She is a certified (IAYT) yoga therapist, utilizing her skills in both group and private settings. She is also a Reiki Practitioner who utilizes both Eastern and Western modalities to guide clients into spaces of deep self-healing.

Diane strives to skillfully impart the art and science of teaching yoga through asana, philosophy, and lifestyle. She is an outdoor enthusiast, and believes strongly that matters of environmental and social justice fall under the category of Ahimsa - doing no harm.

Her students appreciate that she presents knowledge from her heart with a sense of humor, inquiry, humbleness, and a lot of love.

You can find more about Diane’s offerings and her work HERE.