New Student Information

Online Classes at A Gentle Way

At A Gentle Way we believe that each style of yoga offers important aspects of a balanced practice.

For best results, mix up your yoga classes as much as you are physically able to do. And mix up your yoga teachers to get a more complete picture of body, mind, breath, and spirit yoga.

Lastly, don’t forget your restorative, breath, and meditation sessions – the most important part of yoga!

Information for New Students at A Gentle Way Yoga

We so happy that you are exploring our website and thinking about taking a LIVE online class with us!

There are two ways to get started:

  1. Simply sign up for one of our online LIVE Zoom classes. Make sure you arrive about 10-minutes before class time so the teacher can chat with you a bit. After the chat you choose to keep your camera ON, or turn it off for privacy.

  2. Sign up for a half hour private new student consultation with our Founder and Mentor. Meet Lanita in person or on Zoom. She will ask you specific questions about your health, exercise history and yoga goals. She might ask you to try a few easy movements that will help her determine what classes and teachers will be best for your goals. Book your introductory session for only $40, use code: NEW2AGWY at checkout. Click Here to Sign Up

Our goal is to provide a safer, softer, and smarter Yoga experience. One that effective, do-able, and enjoyable.

  • Get to know each person who attends our class

  • Make sure that you have chosen the best teacher and class style for your body’s needs

  • Do our best to teach what each student joining us needs that day, not just a standard class routine.

The classes we offer may be unique to many other styles and studios in the following ways:

Softer Yoga
This means that we approach self-care through yoga as more of an act of loving-kindness to both ourselves, and others. The asana (poses) we offer are thought of more as “body movement exploration” than a physical “workout” practice. Any class that has the word soft in the title will always begin lying down, relaxing the body while releasing deep hidden tension, and will be more focused on what we can discover as we are “working in.”

Safer Yoga
The greatest influences in the safer teaching of yoga have been the yoga philosophy of the Sivananda Lineage, yoga masters Judith Hanson Lasater and Donna Farhi, in addition to the endless yoga anatomy study that senior teacher Diane Ambrosini imparts to us, and the intuitive mentoring of our founder, which is passed down to our students.

Smarter Yoga
Although each of our teachers may have a unique class “routine” in mind, they always get to know the students in class with them each day, finding out what part of their bodies or minds need loving attention and then customizing each class based on who shows up.

The more you attend, the more you will find the classes customized for your needs and goals.