Committing To Self Care Through A Dedicated Yoga Practice

Where will you be ten years from now if you don’t take care of yourself today?

September is upon us! And while it is still one of San Diego’s warmest months – most vacations are over, school has begun – September is the perfect time to get back to a loving commitment to yourself with a dedicated yoga practice. (And – September is also National Yoga Month!)

Yoga once a week changes your mind.
Yoga twice a week changes your body.
Yoga three times a week changes your life.

I come from a family that does not have a history of “aging well,” so as much as my body does not want to move sometimes, I am grateful to the friends who get me out of the house to yoga classes or other fun forms of movement.

Although you may not have attended a yoga class for awhile, please know that if you practiced at our Center for any length of time, you are always in my grateful heart.

One of my favorite students walked back into our Center in May, after five years of not showing up! She was hard to forget because she was always happy, and had the cutest Texas accent.

When I saw her in the hallway she came up and gave me a big hug and said: “It was your voice that kept whispering in my ear Lanita, saying – ‘Where will you be 10 years from now if you don’t take care of yourself today?’ You would email me and remind me that if I waited ‘til I had the time, or ‘til I retire to take care of my body, I might not be healthy enough to move or enjoy my retirement. It was your voice, your words, that brought me back.”

These are the moments that remind me why I still keep this Studio open, why you may occasionally get an email or phone call from me inviting you back now. These are the times I am so grateful for all the students who have supported us over the years – so that this returning student had open doors to walk through, and open arms excited to see her again.

How can I support you in your regular practice of loving yourself with yoga?

Lanita Varshell


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