Seva Practice With Diane AmbrosiniYoga Instructor And Author Of Instructing Hatha Yoga

As part of my Seva practice – giving back to this fabulous community of yoga practitioners – I randomly select one of my students (at random times throughout the year, of course), as a recipient of a free private session.

While I always love teaching group classes, it is such a special pleasure to work one-on-one with someone. We get to know each other on a deeper level, and we both learn something new overall. Oh – and it’s super fun!

In addition to ‘giving back’, one of the main aspects of my seva practice is to highlight each student so that, even if you never take a class with someone, you will still get a feel for just how special each person who walks through our doors is, and how they contribute to the uniqueness of our AGW family.

If you don’t already know Monica Ulibarri, the most recent recipient of a one-on-one session, here are some interesting tidbits!

Monica found AGW a couple of years ago in her search for a studio that could address stress management, and provide gentle yoga with specialized attention, as she was healing from a back injury. As faculty at the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, she knows how important finding and keeping balance in her life is!

Due to her very busy schedule, Monica generally attends evening classes. Although, when she has a day off or takes a ‘self-care day’ (remember – she totally understands the importance of balance in life!), it’s always lovely to see her flashing smile! In addition to her yoga practices, Monica enjoys cooking and spending time with her two kids.


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Eric Olsen – Long Time Student